Innovation in geography and in university education /
Inovácia v geografii a vo vysokoškolskej edukácii
edited by Koloman Ivanicka.
- 1st ed.
- Bratislava : Slovak Pedagogical Publishers, c1973.
- 318 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
- Acta geographica Universitatis Comenianae. Economico-geographica ; nr. 12 .
English and/or Slovak. Part of illustrative matter in pocket. "A geography of Europe including Asiatic USSR ... recenzia": 8 p. inserted.
Includes bibliographies.
Geography--Study and teaching (Higher)
Economic geography.
911.3 / INN
English and/or Slovak. Part of illustrative matter in pocket. "A geography of Europe including Asiatic USSR ... recenzia": 8 p. inserted.
Includes bibliographies.
Geography--Study and teaching (Higher)
Economic geography.
911.3 / INN