Feynman, Richard P. 1918-1988.
Statistical mechanics : a set of lectures / R. P. Feynman. Notes taken by R. Kikuchi and H. A. Feiveson. Edited by Jacob Shaham. - Reading, Mass : W. A. Benjamin, c1972 - xii, 354 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. MB-BK-0025, RN-06 - Frontiers in physics . - Frontiers in physics. .
Includes bibliographical references.
0805325085 0805325093 (pbk.)
Statistical mechanics.
QC174.8 / .F48
530.13 / FES
Statistical mechanics : a set of lectures / R. P. Feynman. Notes taken by R. Kikuchi and H. A. Feiveson. Edited by Jacob Shaham. - Reading, Mass : W. A. Benjamin, c1972 - xii, 354 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. MB-BK-0025, RN-06 - Frontiers in physics . - Frontiers in physics. .
Includes bibliographical references.
0805325085 0805325093 (pbk.)
Statistical mechanics.
QC174.8 / .F48
530.13 / FES