Rainardi, Vincent.
Building a data warehouse with examples in SQL Server / Vincent Rainardi. - Berkeley, CA : Apress ; Distributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag New York, c2008. - The expert's voice in SQL server .
Includes index.
License restrictions may limit access.
9781590599310 1590599314 = Building a data warehouse with examples in SQL Server
SQL server.
Data warehousing.
QA76.9.D37 / R35 2008
005.74 / RAB
Building a data warehouse with examples in SQL Server / Vincent Rainardi. - Berkeley, CA : Apress ; Distributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag New York, c2008. - The expert's voice in SQL server .
Includes index.
License restrictions may limit access.
9781590599310 1590599314 = Building a data warehouse with examples in SQL Server
SQL server.
Data warehousing.
QA76.9.D37 / R35 2008
005.74 / RAB