Classification and pay plans for libraries in institutions of higher education : vol. 1 /
prepared by the Subcommittee on budgets, compensation and schemes of service for libraries connected with universities, college and teacher training institutions of the A.L.A. Board on salaries, staff and tenure, and adopted by the A.L.A. council, February, 1943.
- 2d ed.
- Chicago : American Library Association, 1947.
- v 1 ; 28 cm.
" an authorized reprint of the original University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
I. Non-degree-conferring institutions.--II. Degree-conferring four-year institutions.--III. Universities.
Academic libraries.
Librarians--Salaries, etc.
023.8 / AMC
" an authorized reprint of the original University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
I. Non-degree-conferring institutions.--II. Degree-conferring four-year institutions.--III. Universities.
Academic libraries.
Librarians--Salaries, etc.
023.8 / AMC