Slocum, Robert B.
Sample cataloguing forms : illustrations of solutions to problems of description : (with particular reference to chapters 1-13 of the Anglo-American cataloguing rules, second edition) / by Robert B. Slocum. - 3rd ed. - Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1980. - vii, 114 p. : ill., forms ; 28 cm.
Second ed. published in 1968 under title: Sample cataloging forms. Includes index.
Descriptive cataloging.
025.32 / SLS
Sample cataloguing forms : illustrations of solutions to problems of description : (with particular reference to chapters 1-13 of the Anglo-American cataloguing rules, second edition) / by Robert B. Slocum. - 3rd ed. - Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1980. - vii, 114 p. : ill., forms ; 28 cm.
Second ed. published in 1968 under title: Sample cataloging forms. Includes index.
Descriptive cataloging.
025.32 / SLS