DeVito, Joseph A.
Communication: concepts and processes / Joseph A. DeVito. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1971. - viii, 232 p. ; ills.; 24 cm.
The speech chain, by P. B. Denes and E. N. Pinson.--How communication works, by W. Schramm.--The fateful process of Mr. A. talking to Mr. B., by W. Johnson.--Information theory, by D. Darnell.--How to say nothing in five hundred words, by P. Roberts.--Gobbledygook, by S. Chase.--The medium is the message, by M. McLuhan.--Other ways of packaging information, by R. P. Harrison.--Communication without words, by A. Mehrabian.--Body English, by F. A. Geldard.--The silent languages, by D. Fabun.--A world of smells, by J. A. M. Meerloo.--How to become a better premise detective, by H. E. Maynard.--Serial communication of information in organizations, by W. V. Haney.--Psychological barriers to communication, by D. Katz.--Communication: its blocking and its facilitation, by C. R. Rogers.--Clear only if known, by E. Dale.--Defensive communication, by J. R. Gibb.--Do we know how to listen? Practical helps in a modern age, by R. G. Nichols.--Retortmanship: how to avoid answering questions, by C. Washburne.--For further reading (p. 222-227)
070.431 / DEC
Communication: concepts and processes / Joseph A. DeVito. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1971. - viii, 232 p. ; ills.; 24 cm.
The speech chain, by P. B. Denes and E. N. Pinson.--How communication works, by W. Schramm.--The fateful process of Mr. A. talking to Mr. B., by W. Johnson.--Information theory, by D. Darnell.--How to say nothing in five hundred words, by P. Roberts.--Gobbledygook, by S. Chase.--The medium is the message, by M. McLuhan.--Other ways of packaging information, by R. P. Harrison.--Communication without words, by A. Mehrabian.--Body English, by F. A. Geldard.--The silent languages, by D. Fabun.--A world of smells, by J. A. M. Meerloo.--How to become a better premise detective, by H. E. Maynard.--Serial communication of information in organizations, by W. V. Haney.--Psychological barriers to communication, by D. Katz.--Communication: its blocking and its facilitation, by C. R. Rogers.--Clear only if known, by E. Dale.--Defensive communication, by J. R. Gibb.--Do we know how to listen? Practical helps in a modern age, by R. G. Nichols.--Retortmanship: how to avoid answering questions, by C. Washburne.--For further reading (p. 222-227)
070.431 / DEC