Jackson, Sidney L. 1914-1979.
Catalog use study : director's report / by Sidney L. Jackson, edited by Vaclav Mostecky. - Chicago : American Library Association, 1958. - 86 p. ; 28 cm.
At head of title: American Library Association, Resources and Technical Services Division, Cataloging and Classification Section, Policy and Research Committee.
Library catalogs and users.
Z711.3 / .J2
025.3 / JAC
Catalog use study : director's report / by Sidney L. Jackson, edited by Vaclav Mostecky. - Chicago : American Library Association, 1958. - 86 p. ; 28 cm.
At head of title: American Library Association, Resources and Technical Services Division, Cataloging and Classification Section, Policy and Research Committee.
Library catalogs and users.
Z711.3 / .J2
025.3 / JAC