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New Oxford spelling dictionary / Edited by Maurice Waite. - New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2014 - xii, 596 pages : 19 cm

"The New Oxford Spelling Dictionary is the quick and reliable way to check spelling and word division. Spellings are based on the Oxford language research programme, the largest in the world. The Dictionary includes both primary (preferred) and secondary breaks for every suitable word - offering essential guidance for writers, editors, typesetters, and proofreaders needing to make reliable and consistent decisions relating to line endings" -- BOOK JACKET.

9780199569991 (hardback) 0199569991 (hardback) 9780198608813 (cased) 0198608810 (cased)



GBA556425 bnb

013245304 Uk

English language--Orthography and spelling--Dictionaries.
Anglais (Langue)--Orthographe--Dictionnaires.


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