Hatthavanagallavihāravaṃsa /
edited by C. E. Godakumbura.
- London:L Published for the Pali Text Society by Luzac, 1956.
- xvii, 34 p. 23 cm.
At head of title: Pali Text Society. In Pali (romanized); introductory matter in English.
"Sources": p. vii.
sa 68008232
Sanghabodhi, King of Ceylon.
BL1445.C4 / H3
491.3701 / PAH
At head of title: Pali Text Society. In Pali (romanized); introductory matter in English.
"Sources": p. vii.
sa 68008232
Sanghabodhi, King of Ceylon.
BL1445.C4 / H3
491.3701 / PAH