Lane, Edward William. 1801-1876.
An Arabic-English lexicon : pt. 2 / Edward William Lane. - Beirut : Librairie Du Liban, 1968. - pt. 2 ; 32 cm.
In eight parts.
Part 2, ج-خ
[pt. 1. ʾ - th.--pt. 2. j - kh.--pt. 3. d - z.--pt. 4. s - ṣ.--pt. 5. ḍ - ʻ.--pt. 6. gh - f.--pt. 7. q - m.--pt. 8. n - y, and suppl. to pts. 7 and 8.
ne 68002140
Arabic language--Dictionaries--English.
PJ6640 / .L3 1968
492.732 / LAA
An Arabic-English lexicon : pt. 2 / Edward William Lane. - Beirut : Librairie Du Liban, 1968. - pt. 2 ; 32 cm.
In eight parts.
Part 2, ج-خ
[pt. 1. ʾ - th.--pt. 2. j - kh.--pt. 3. d - z.--pt. 4. s - ṣ.--pt. 5. ḍ - ʻ.--pt. 6. gh - f.--pt. 7. q - m.--pt. 8. n - y, and suppl. to pts. 7 and 8.
ne 68002140
Arabic language--Dictionaries--English.
PJ6640 / .L3 1968
492.732 / LAA