Crabbe, Ernest Howard, 1896-
General business : with applied arithmetic / by Ernest H. Crabbe and Paul L. Salsgiver. - 4th ed. - Cincinnati : South-Western Pub. Co., 1941. - x, 726 p. : ill., diagrams.
First published in 1927 under title: General business training. On spine: Complete fourth ed. Includes index.
HF5356 / .C77 1941a
650 / CRG
General business : with applied arithmetic / by Ernest H. Crabbe and Paul L. Salsgiver. - 4th ed. - Cincinnati : South-Western Pub. Co., 1941. - x, 726 p. : ill., diagrams.
First published in 1927 under title: General business training. On spine: Complete fourth ed. Includes index.
HF5356 / .C77 1941a
650 / CRG