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Apollo 11--man on the moon / Man on the moon NASA. , United States. - United States : [s.n.], 1969. - 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 20 min., ca. 749 ft.) : si., col. ; 16 mm.

Copyright: reg. unknown. 9:32 a.m., E.D.T., July 16, 1969 appears at the beginning. Sources used: NICEM Index to 16 mm educational films, vol 3., 1980, p. 61; Video Source Book, vol. 1, 1997, p. 1002 ; LCCN record no. 75-701617.

Command module docks with LEM for trip to moon -- Preparing Eagle for landing -- The Eagle separates from Columbia -- The Eagle lands -- Armstrong cautiously moves away from LEM -- Collecting moon rock samples -- Aldrin joins Armstrong on moon's surface -- The U.S. flag implanted -- Aldrin testing mobility in moon's 1/6th gravity -- Kangaroo hop -- Loading moon rock samples -- Armstrong climbs back into Eagle -- The last look before liftoff --Tense and dramatic liftoff from the moon -- Vital rendezvous of Eagle and Columbia -- United again, the astronauts head back to Earth -- Home safe Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins -- President Nixon extends welcome.


Project Apollo (U.S.)
Apollo 11 (Spacecraft)

Space flight to the moon.

Documentaries and factual films and video.
Scientific films and video (Nonfiction).

FAB 7790 (viewing print)

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