Nelipa, N. F.
Photoproduction and scattering of pi-mesons, including Clebsch-Gordon [i.e. Gordan], Racah, and Z-coefficients. - Delhi, Hindustan Pub. Corp.; sole distributors for Western Hemisphere: Gordon and Breach Publishers, New York, 1961. - 99 p. illus. 23 cm. - [Russian tracts on advanced mathematics and physics ; v. 7] . - International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics. .
International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics. Translation of [Svi︠a︡zʹ fotoobrazovanii︠a︡ [pi]-mezonov s rassei︠a︡niem]
Includes bibliography.
Photonuclear reactions.
QC721 / .N373
539.7217 / NEP
Photoproduction and scattering of pi-mesons, including Clebsch-Gordon [i.e. Gordan], Racah, and Z-coefficients. - Delhi, Hindustan Pub. Corp.; sole distributors for Western Hemisphere: Gordon and Breach Publishers, New York, 1961. - 99 p. illus. 23 cm. - [Russian tracts on advanced mathematics and physics ; v. 7] . - International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics. .
International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics. Translation of [Svi︠a︡zʹ fotoobrazovanii︠a︡ [pi]-mezonov s rassei︠a︡niem]
Includes bibliography.
Photonuclear reactions.
QC721 / .N373
539.7217 / NEP