Hicks, Herbert G.
Organizations: theory and behavior / Herbert G. Hicks [and] C. Ray Gullett, in collaboration with Susan M. Phillips and William S. Slaughter, III. - New York : McGraw-Hill; 1975. - xvii, 446 p. : illus. ; 24 cm. - McGraw-Hill series in management ; .
Includes bibliographical References and index.
Organizational sociology.
Organizational behavior.
Power (Social sciences)
HM131 / .H48
658.1 / HIO
Organizations: theory and behavior / Herbert G. Hicks [and] C. Ray Gullett, in collaboration with Susan M. Phillips and William S. Slaughter, III. - New York : McGraw-Hill; 1975. - xvii, 446 p. : illus. ; 24 cm. - McGraw-Hill series in management ; .
Includes bibliographical References and index.
Organizational sociology.
Organizational behavior.
Power (Social sciences)
HM131 / .H48
658.1 / HIO