Broglie, Louis de, 1892-
Introduction to the Vigier theory of elementary particles / With a chapter by Jean-Pierre Vigier. Translated by Arthur J. Knodel. - Amsterdam, New York : Elsevier Pub. Co., c1963. - vi, 138 p. : diagrs., tables. ; 23 cm.
Translation of Introduction a la nouvelle theorie des particules de M. Jean-Pierre Vigier et de ses collaborateurs.
Bibliography: p. [139]
Particles (Nuclear physics)
Quantum theory.
QC721 / .B8383
539.73 / BRI
Introduction to the Vigier theory of elementary particles / With a chapter by Jean-Pierre Vigier. Translated by Arthur J. Knodel. - Amsterdam, New York : Elsevier Pub. Co., c1963. - vi, 138 p. : diagrs., tables. ; 23 cm.
Translation of Introduction a la nouvelle theorie des particules de M. Jean-Pierre Vigier et de ses collaborateurs.
Bibliography: p. [139]
Particles (Nuclear physics)
Quantum theory.
QC721 / .B8383
539.73 / BRI