Fathy, Hassan.
Natural energy and vernacular architecture : principles and examples with reference to hot arid climates / Hassan Fathy ; edited by Walter Shearer and Abd-el-rahman Ahmed Sultan. - Chicago : Published for the United Nations University by the University of Chicago Press, 1986. - xxiii, 172 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 167-169.
0226239179 0226239187 (pbk.)
Architecture, Domestic--Arid regions--Arab countries.
Vernacular architecture--Environmental aspects--Arab countries.
Architecture and energy conservation--Arab countries.
728.09174927 / FAN
Natural energy and vernacular architecture : principles and examples with reference to hot arid climates / Hassan Fathy ; edited by Walter Shearer and Abd-el-rahman Ahmed Sultan. - Chicago : Published for the United Nations University by the University of Chicago Press, 1986. - xxiii, 172 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 167-169.
0226239179 0226239187 (pbk.)
Architecture, Domestic--Arid regions--Arab countries.
Vernacular architecture--Environmental aspects--Arab countries.
Architecture and energy conservation--Arab countries.
728.09174927 / FAN