Durling, Dwight Leonard 1899-
A preface to our day : an invitation to thought, discussion, and writing / Edited by Dwight L. Durling, Eleanor M. Sickels and Helen Gill Viljoen. - 3d rev. ed. with the addition of The writer's craft. - New York : Dryden Press; c1958. - viii, 660 p. : illus. ; 22 cm.
English prose literature.
American prose literature.
PR1285 / .D8 1958
808 / DUP
A preface to our day : an invitation to thought, discussion, and writing / Edited by Dwight L. Durling, Eleanor M. Sickels and Helen Gill Viljoen. - 3d rev. ed. with the addition of The writer's craft. - New York : Dryden Press; c1958. - viii, 660 p. : illus. ; 22 cm.
English prose literature.
American prose literature.
PR1285 / .D8 1958
808 / DUP