Vaughan, Henry 1621-1695.
The works of Henry Vaughan / ed. by Leonard Cyril Martin. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1914. - 2 v. 389-715 p. ; 24 cm.
With reproduction of original title pages.
v. 1. List of original editions, etc. -- Poems, with the tenth satyre of Iuvenal Englished. -- Olor Iscanus. -- The mount of Olives. -- Flores solitudinis. -- v. 2. Silex scintillans.-- Hermetical physick. -- Thalia rediviva. -- Translations. -- Pious thoughts and ejaculations. -- Translations in Dr. Thomas Powells̕ Humane industry. -- Appendix I. Poems of uncertain authorship. -- Appendix II. Vaughns̕ letters to John Aubrey and Anthony Wood. -- Notes. -- Index of first lines.
821.4 / VAW
The works of Henry Vaughan / ed. by Leonard Cyril Martin. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1914. - 2 v. 389-715 p. ; 24 cm.
With reproduction of original title pages.
v. 1. List of original editions, etc. -- Poems, with the tenth satyre of Iuvenal Englished. -- Olor Iscanus. -- The mount of Olives. -- Flores solitudinis. -- v. 2. Silex scintillans.-- Hermetical physick. -- Thalia rediviva. -- Translations. -- Pious thoughts and ejaculations. -- Translations in Dr. Thomas Powells̕ Humane industry. -- Appendix I. Poems of uncertain authorship. -- Appendix II. Vaughns̕ letters to John Aubrey and Anthony Wood. -- Notes. -- Index of first lines.
821.4 / VAW