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Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.

The works of William Shakespeare : Vol. : vii / The text revised by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. - London : Chapman and Hall, 1866. - 7 v. front. (port.) 23 cm.

Armorial book stamp of the Earl of Craven.

I. Some account of the life of Shakespeare. Shakespeare's will. Early editions. Dedication, &c. Commendatory verses. Account of the plays. Addenda and corrigenda. The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. The comedy of errors.--II. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. A midsummer-night's dream. The merchant of Venice. As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well.--III. Twelfth-night. The winter's tale. King John. Richard II. Henry IV, pt. I-II. Henry V.--IV. Henry VI, pt. I-III. Richard III. Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus.--V. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Cæsar. Macbeth. Hamlet. King Lear.--VI. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Pericles. Venus and Adonis. Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim, &c.


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