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Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784.

The works of Samuel Johnson : Vol. 7 / - Oxford : Printed for W. Pickering, London; and Talboys and Wheeler, Oxford, 1825. - v.; 22 cm. - Oxford English classics .

Vols. 6-7 and 10-11 have imprint: London, Published by W. Pickering and Talboys and Wheeler, Oxford. Edited by F. P. Walesby. cf. W. P. Courtney's Bibliography of Samuel Johnson.

v. 1. Essay on the life and genius of Dr. Johnson [by Arthur Murphy] Poems, and tales.--v. 2-3. The Rambler.--v. 4. The Adventurer and Idler.--v. 5. Miscellaneous pieces.--v. 6. Reviews, political tracts, and Lives of eminent persons.--v. 7-8. Lives of the poets.--v. 9. Journey to the Hebrides. Tales of the imagination. Prayers and sermons.--v. 10-11. Parliamentary debates.


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