Berthon, H. E. 1862-
Nine French poets, 1820-1880, with and introduction on the structure of French verse and explanatory notes, by H. E. Berthon. - London: Macmillan and co., limited, 1939. - lxxiv, 298 p.: ill., 19 cm.
Introduction.--Alphonse de Lamartine.--Alfred de Vigny.--Victor Hugo.--Alfred de Mussett.--Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve.--Théophile Gautier.--Charles Baudelaire.--Leconte de Lisle.--Paul Verlaine.--Notes [bibliographical, biographical and critical]
French poetry--19th century.
French language--Versification.
PQ1181 / .B4
841.08 / BEN
Nine French poets, 1820-1880, with and introduction on the structure of French verse and explanatory notes, by H. E. Berthon. - London: Macmillan and co., limited, 1939. - lxxiv, 298 p.: ill., 19 cm.
Introduction.--Alphonse de Lamartine.--Alfred de Vigny.--Victor Hugo.--Alfred de Mussett.--Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve.--Théophile Gautier.--Charles Baudelaire.--Leconte de Lisle.--Paul Verlaine.--Notes [bibliographical, biographical and critical]
French poetry--19th century.
French language--Versification.
PQ1181 / .B4
841.08 / BEN