Curel, François de, 1854-1928.
La nouvelle idole : pièce en trois actes / edited with introduction, notes and vocabulary, by Hugh Allison Smith ... and Leslie Ross Méras ... - New York, London : The Century Co., 1924. - xvii, 124 p. ; 20 cm. - The Century modern language series .
At head of title: François de Curel.
PQ2211.C8 / N7 1924
842 / CUL
La nouvelle idole : pièce en trois actes / edited with introduction, notes and vocabulary, by Hugh Allison Smith ... and Leslie Ross Méras ... - New York, London : The Century Co., 1924. - xvii, 124 p. ; 20 cm. - The Century modern language series .
At head of title: François de Curel.
PQ2211.C8 / N7 1924
842 / CUL