Schilier, F. Von.
The bride of Messina : or, The enemy brothers, a tragedy with choruses. William Tell. Demetrius; or, The blood wedding in Moscow, a fragment. Translated by Charles E. Passage. - New York : F. Ungar Pub; 1962. - xi, 109, xv, 129, xi, 61 p.; 21 cm.
832.6 / SCB
The bride of Messina : or, The enemy brothers, a tragedy with choruses. William Tell. Demetrius; or, The blood wedding in Moscow, a fragment. Translated by Charles E. Passage. - New York : F. Ungar Pub; 1962. - xi, 109, xv, 129, xi, 61 p.; 21 cm.
832.6 / SCB