Vikramorvaśí: a drama / by Kálidása. Edited, for the use of the students of the East-India College, by Monier Williams, M.A. - Hertford: S. Austin, 1976. - 109p.: ill., 21 cm.
Paged with Sanskrit numerals. Label mounted on cover: New York, G.E. Stechert & Co. (A. Hafner)
PK3796 / .V6 1849
891.22 / KAV
Vikramorvaśí: a drama / by Kálidása. Edited, for the use of the students of the East-India College, by Monier Williams, M.A. - Hertford: S. Austin, 1976. - 109p.: ill., 21 cm.
Paged with Sanskrit numerals. Label mounted on cover: New York, G.E. Stechert & Co. (A. Hafner)
PK3796 / .V6 1849
891.22 / KAV