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Tolstoi, Alexi

Aėlita / Alexei Tolstoy. , U.S.S.R. - U.S.S.R. : [s.n.], 1924. - 275 p. ; 16 cm.

Minor change version: [English language version]. -- United States : Kino Video, 1991. Copyright notice for minor change version: David H. Shepard (in notice: Kino International Corporation). DCR 1991; PUB 1May91; REG 15Nov91; PA523-549. Original release title: Aėlita, from Birkos, A.M., Soviet cinema. Film originally silent; designation of sound in physical description refers to film score. English titles per Kino International notheatrical catalogue, winter, 1991, supplement (in M/B/RS Organization files). Per videocassette box: series titles for minor change version are: The signature series, and, Red silents--visions of a workers' state. Based on Aėlita by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Sources used: copyright data sheet; COPICS data base; videocassette box; Birkos, A.M., Soviet cinema : directors and films, p. 129.

Costumes and design, Alexandra Exter ; decor, Isaac Ravinovich, Victor Simov, Sergei Kozlovsky ; photography, Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky, E. Schoneman. Costumes and design, Alexandra Exter ; decor, Isaac Ravinovich, Victor Simov, Sergei Kozlovsky ; photography, Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky, E. Schoneman.

Yulia Solntseva, Valentina Kuinzhi, Nikolai Batalov, Igor Ilinsky.

Three Soviets fly to Mars; the Martian queen, Aelita, and one of the Soviet men fall in love, while a workers' revolution takes place on the planet.


Working class--Drama.--Soviet Union

Science fiction.

VAB 8557 (viewing copy)

891.73 / TOA
Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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