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Cicero: Select Letters / Mary Nyquist. - 579p.: illustrations., 21cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Ancient Greek and Roman slaveries -- Political slavery and barbarism -- Tyranny, slavery, and the despots -- The tyrant as conqueror and antityranny -- Tyranny, despotical rule, and natural slavery in Aristotle's Politics -- Roman antityranny -- Appropriation and disavowal of slavery -- Sixteenth-century French and English resistance theory -- Servility and tyranny in Montaigne and La Bo�etie, Goodman and Ponet -- Spanish tyranny, English resistance -- Collective enslavement and freedom in Vindiciae -- Slavery in Smith's De republica anglorum and Bodin's R�epublique -- Resistance -- Human sacrifice, barbarism, and Buchanan's Jephtha -- Barbarism, sacrifice, and civic virtue -- Calvin, Cicero, and wrongful vows -- Does Jephtha hold the sword? -- Blood(less) sacrifice -- Antityranny, slavery, and revolution -- Genesis, dominion, and natural slavery -- Servility, tyranny, and asiatic monarchy in 1 Samuel 8 -- Genesis, dominion, and servitude in "Paradise lost" -- Ears bored with an awl in revolutionary England -- Revolution and liberty cap -- Freeborn sons or slaves? -- Debating analogically -- Freeborn citizens and contract -- Fathers and resistance -- Antislavery and Bodin's preemption of antityranny -- Parker's antityranny and antislavery -- The power of life and death -- Brutus and his sons: lawful punishment or paternal power? -- Debating the familial origins of the power of life and death -- Debating divine sanction for the power and life and death -- Power, no-power, and the English revolution -- Etymology as ideology: servire from servare, or enslaving as saving -- Nakedness, history, and bare life -- Nakedness -- Nationalization of natural slavery and original sin -- De Bry's Europeanized Adam and Eve -- Privative comparison in Paradise lost -- Hobbes's state of nature and "hard" privativism -- The golden-edenic privative age -- Cicero's savage age -- Savagery and the Euro-colonial privative age -- Ancestral liberties, inherited freedom -- Hobbes's state of nature and libertas -- Frontispieces -- Hobbes, slavery, and despotical rule -- Liberty, slavery, and tyranny discomfited -- Preservation of life, civility, and servitude -- Hobbes's female-free family -- Servants and slaves -- Locke's "On slavery," despotical power, and tyranny -- Antityranny, not antidespotism -- Hobbes, Locke, and the power of life and death -- Reading "Of slavery" -- Reading Locke rewriting power/no-power -- Hebrew and chattel slavery -- Slaves and tyrants.

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Electronic reproduction.
Ipswich, MA
Available via World Wide Web.

022601567X (electronic bk.) 9780226015675 (electronic bk.)


Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.
Locke, John, 1632-1704.

Slavery in literature.

JC381 / .N97 2013

876 / HOC
Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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