Berka, Antonín.
Newer redox titrants / by A. Berka, J. Vulterin, and J. Zýka. Translated by H. Weisz. - 1st ed. - Oxford, New York : Pergamon Press, c1965. - ix, 246 p. : illus. ; 23 cm. - International series of monographs in analytical chemistry, v. 22 . - International series of monographs in analytical chemistry ; v. 22. .
Translation of Vybrané oxydaěně redukěnf odměrné metody.
Includes Index.
Includes bibliographies.
Volumetric analysis.
Oxidation-reduction reaction.
QD111 / .B5313 1965
545.23 / BEN
Newer redox titrants / by A. Berka, J. Vulterin, and J. Zýka. Translated by H. Weisz. - 1st ed. - Oxford, New York : Pergamon Press, c1965. - ix, 246 p. : illus. ; 23 cm. - International series of monographs in analytical chemistry, v. 22 . - International series of monographs in analytical chemistry ; v. 22. .
Translation of Vybrané oxydaěně redukěnf odměrné metody.
Includes Index.
Includes bibliographies.
Volumetric analysis.
Oxidation-reduction reaction.
QD111 / .B5313 1965
545.23 / BEN