Encyclopaedia of library and information technology for 21st century : Vol. 1-50 /
Edit. Shyama Balakrishnan
- 1st ed.
- New Delhi : Anmola, 2000.
- 50 vols : ill. ; 22 cm.
Contents : V.1 & 2. Abstracting practices in libraries, V.3. Automated libraries, V.4. Automated libraries, V.5. Automated library serials, V.6. Contemporary information technology Scenario, V.7. Current Scenario of information technology, V.8. Future libraries, V.9. Future library technology, V.10. Information technology for the next millennium, V.11. Information technology in library management, V.12. Information technology management in libraries, V.13. Libraries in information age, V.14. Library administration and resource, V.15. Library administration and staff training, V.16. Library administration practices, V.17. Library and multimedia resources, V.18. Library automated acquisition, V.19. Library cataloguing and multimedia libraries, V.20. Library collection and automation, V.21. Library digital technology, V.22. Library indexing and abstracting, V.23. Library information procedure, V.24. Library management, V.25. Library online cataloguing system, V.26. Library organization, V.27. Library serials management, V.28. Management of library information service, V.29. Management of library networking, V.30. Modern cataloguing, V.31. Modern information retrieval, V.32. Modern library system, V.33. Nature and functions of library science, V.34. Networking and the future of libraries, V.35. Online cataloguing, V.36. Preservation and cataloging serials, V.37. Preservation of library collections, V.38. Principles of information retrieval, V.39. Public library systems in India, V.40. Role of computer and library science, V.41. Serials automation, V.42. Serials processing in libraries, V.43. Staff management and information work, V.44. Staff training and development in information sciences, V.45. Subject analysis in online cataloging, V.46. Systems and practices of effective library, V.47. Technical services in libraries, V.48. Theories and practices of librarianship, V.49. Theories and practices of library management, V.50. Video acquisitions and cataloguing.
Library Science--Encyclopaedias
Inforation Science--Encyclopaedias.
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Contents : V.1 & 2. Abstracting practices in libraries, V.3. Automated libraries, V.4. Automated libraries, V.5. Automated library serials, V.6. Contemporary information technology Scenario, V.7. Current Scenario of information technology, V.8. Future libraries, V.9. Future library technology, V.10. Information technology for the next millennium, V.11. Information technology in library management, V.12. Information technology management in libraries, V.13. Libraries in information age, V.14. Library administration and resource, V.15. Library administration and staff training, V.16. Library administration practices, V.17. Library and multimedia resources, V.18. Library automated acquisition, V.19. Library cataloguing and multimedia libraries, V.20. Library collection and automation, V.21. Library digital technology, V.22. Library indexing and abstracting, V.23. Library information procedure, V.24. Library management, V.25. Library online cataloguing system, V.26. Library organization, V.27. Library serials management, V.28. Management of library information service, V.29. Management of library networking, V.30. Modern cataloguing, V.31. Modern information retrieval, V.32. Modern library system, V.33. Nature and functions of library science, V.34. Networking and the future of libraries, V.35. Online cataloguing, V.36. Preservation and cataloging serials, V.37. Preservation of library collections, V.38. Principles of information retrieval, V.39. Public library systems in India, V.40. Role of computer and library science, V.41. Serials automation, V.42. Serials processing in libraries, V.43. Staff management and information work, V.44. Staff training and development in information sciences, V.45. Subject analysis in online cataloging, V.46. Systems and practices of effective library, V.47. Technical services in libraries, V.48. Theories and practices of librarianship, V.49. Theories and practices of library management, V.50. Video acquisitions and cataloguing.
Library Science--Encyclopaedias
Inforation Science--Encyclopaedias.
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