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Epigraphia Birmanica : being lithic and other inscriptions of Burma / edited by Chas. Duroiselle. - Rangoon : Supt., Govt. Print., Burma, 1919-1936. - 4 v. in 7 : ill. ; 28 cm. + 2 portfolios of plates.

At head of title: Archaeological Survey of Burma. Vol. 1 pt., 1 edited by Taw Sein Ko and Chas. Duroiselle, Vol. 4 edited by U Mya. Some parts reprinted (1960-).

v. 1, pt. 1. [The Myazedi inscriptions] -- v. 1, pt. 2. [Mon inscriptions, no. I-VIII] -- v. 2, pts. 1-2. The Tailang plaques on the Ananda text / by Chas. Duroiselle (pt. 2 is a separate volume of plates) --v. 3, pt. 1. Mon inscriptions, no. IX-XI / by C.O. Blagden -- v. 3, pt. 2. Mon inscriptions, no. XII /by C.O. Blagden (includes a separate portfolio of plates with the same numbering) -- v. 4, pts. 1-2. Mon inscriptions, no. XIII-XVIII / by C.O. Blagden (pt. 2 is a portfolio of plates).


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