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Hunter, William Wilson, 1840-1900.

A statistical account of Bengal [by] W. W. Hunter. - Delhi, D. K. Pub. House [1973-1976] - 20 v. fold. maps. 22 cm.

Includes a reproduction of the t.p. of the 1875-77 ed., published by Trübner, London.

v. 1. Districts of the 24 Parganas and Sundarbans.--v. 2. Districts of Nadia and Jessore.--v. 3. Districts of Midnapur and Hughli (including Howrah)--v. 4. Districts of Bardwan, Bankura, and Birbhum.--v. 5. Districts of Dacca, Bákarganj, Farídpur, and Maimansinh.--v. 6. Kisch, H. M. Chittagong Hill Tracts, Chittagong, Noákhálí. Tipperah, Hill Tipperah.--v. 7. Districts of Maldah, Rangpur, and Dinājpur.--v. 8. Districts of Rájsháhi and Bográ.--v. 9. Districts of Murshidábad and Pábná.--v. 10. Districts of Dárjíling and Jalpáiguri, and State of Kuch Behar.--v. 11. Districts of Patna and Saran.--v. 12. Districts of Gayá and Sháhábád.--v. 13. Tirhut and Champáran.--v. 14. Districts of Bhágalpur and the Santál Parganás.--v. 15. Districts of Monghyr and Purniah.--v. 16. Districts of Hazáribágh and Lohárdagá.--v. 17. Singbhum District, Tributary States of Chutia Nagpur, and Manbhum.--v. 18. District of Cuttack and Balasor.--v. 19. District of Puri and the Orissa Tributary States.--v. 20. Day, J., and others. Fisheries and Botany of Bengal, with general index.


Bengal (India)
Bengal (India)--Statistics.

DS485.B41 / H9232

915.414 / HUS
Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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