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The Registrar General's statistical review of England and Wales for the year 1955 : Statistical review of England and Wales part lll : commentary / - London : H.M.S.O., 1957. - 180 p. ; 25 cm. - Annual - Began with 1921; ceased in 1973.

Issues for 1921-1968 published in 3 vols.; issues for <1969-1973> published in 2 vols. Issues for 1921-1949, 1951 called New annual series, no. 1-23, 31.

Supplement accompany some issues.

Later information published in individual subject volumes.


R10460000 DNLM

Vital Statistics.

Great Britain--Statistics--Periodicals.
Great Britain--Statistics, Vital--Periodicals.


HA1127 / .A3

314.2 / GRE

W2 FA1 G3R
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