Smíšek, Milan.
Active carbon : manufacture, properties and applications / by, Milan Smíšek and Slavoj Černý. - Amsterdam, New York : Elsevier Pub. Co., c1970. - xii, 479 p. : illus. ; 22 cm. - Topics in inorganic and general chemistry, monograph 12 .
Distributed in the U.S.A. by American Elsevier, New York. Translation and revision of Aktivní uhlí.
Includes Index.
Includes bibliographical references.
Carbon, Activated.
TP245.C4 / S5513
547 / SMA
Active carbon : manufacture, properties and applications / by, Milan Smíšek and Slavoj Černý. - Amsterdam, New York : Elsevier Pub. Co., c1970. - xii, 479 p. : illus. ; 22 cm. - Topics in inorganic and general chemistry, monograph 12 .
Distributed in the U.S.A. by American Elsevier, New York. Translation and revision of Aktivní uhlí.
Includes Index.
Includes bibliographical references.
Carbon, Activated.
TP245.C4 / S5513
547 / SMA