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Studies and reports. Series C, (Employment and unemployment) / Employment and unemployment Issues no. 12 & 14 published with earlier English section title: Studies and reports. Series C, Unemployment Issues no. 12 & 14 published with French parallel title: Études et documents. Série C, Chômage Issues no. 12 & 14 published with German parallel title: Studien und Berichte. Reihe C, Arbeitslosigkeit Unemployment Chômage Arbeitslosigkeit International Labour Office. - Geneva : International Labour Office, 1925-1945. - 16 v. - Began with No. 10 (published 1925); ceased with no. 25 (published 1945).

Each number has also a distinctive title. Volumes for 1941-1945 published in Montreal.

10. Unemployment insurance, study of comparative legislation -- 11. Stabilisation of employment in the United States -- 12. Bibliographie du chomage, bibliography of unemployment, Bibliographie der Arbeitslosigkeit -- 13. Unemployment, some international aspects 1920-1928 -- 14. Bibliographie du chomage, bibliography of unemployment, Bibliographie der Arbeitslosigkeit (2nd ed.) -- 15. Unemployment and public works -- 16. Unemployment problems in 1931 -- 17. Unemployment problems in the United States -- 18. Employment exchanges, and international study of placing activities -- 19. Public works policy -- 20. Three sources of unemployment -- 21. Social consequences of the economic depression -- 22. Technical progress and unemployment -- 23. Labour supply and national defence -- 25. Exploitation of foreign labour by Germany.

Some issues published with parallel English, French and German titles and contents.

Merged with: International Labour Office's Studies and reports, series A-B, D-P; to form: Studies and reports (International Labour Office).

l 22000018

Unemployment insurance--Periodicals.
Unemployment insurance.


HD4813 / .I4 ser. C

331.137 / I619
Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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