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Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East / prepared by the Research and Statistics Division, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. - New York : United Nations Publications, 1951. - 70 p. ; 28 cm. - 4 issues yearly, May 1953- - Three no. a year, 1950-1952 - Vol. 1, no. 1 (1st quarter 1950)-v. 25, no. 1 (June 1974).

Vols. for 1973- issued as United Nations [Document] E/CN. 11/1105. Title from cover.

Fourth quarters for vols. 1-2 issued as: Statistical supplement.

Vols. for 1950- prepared by the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Research and Planning Division (formerly Research and Statistics Division); 1958/59- by the Commission's Secretariat; 1973- by the Commission.

Vols. for 1952-1973 include: Economic survey of Asia and the Far East.

0041-6371 = Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East = Econ. bull. Asia Far East


007845742 Uk

Economische groei.
Economic history.

Asia--Economic conditions--Periodicals.
Asie--Conditions économiques--Périodiques.


HC411.U4 / A2

330.5 / UNE
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