Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international trade : Vol. 29 rev. 2 /
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office.
- New York : United Nations, 1979.
- v. ; 28 cm.
- Statistical papers ; ser. M, no. 29, rev. 2 .
- [Document] - United Nations ; ST/STAT/ser. M/29/rev. 2 .
- United Nations. Document ; ST/STAT/ser. M/29/rev. 2. .
"United Nations publication. Sales no. E.79.XVII.6."
$9.00 (pbk.)
Price indexes.
JX1977 / .A2 ST/STAT/Ser.M/29/rev. 2
338.528 / UNM
"United Nations publication. Sales no. E.79.XVII.6."
$9.00 (pbk.)
Price indexes.
JX1977 / .A2 ST/STAT/Ser.M/29/rev. 2
338.528 / UNM