Vocational training in developing countries : a survey of expert experiences /
United Nations research institute for social development
- Geneva : United Nations, 1973.
- v. ; 32 cm.
- Statistical papers. Series V .
- Statistical papers. Series V. .
Some years no issue published.
Issued by Statistical Office of the United Nations.
Continued by computer diskette title: UNSTAT's StatBase locator on disk.
Vocational training
HA154 / .W67 JX1977 / .A2 subser
371.426 / UNV
Some years no issue published.
Issued by Statistical Office of the United Nations.
Continued by computer diskette title: UNSTAT's StatBase locator on disk.
Vocational training
HA154 / .W67 JX1977 / .A2 subser
371.426 / UNV