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Moquin, Wayne,

Makers of America -seekers after freedom 1871-1890 : Vol. 4 / - Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corp. 1971. - 10 v. illus., maps, ports. 28 cm.

Bibliography: v. 10, p. 189-197.

v. 1. The firstcomers, 1536-1800.--v. 2. Builders of a new nation, 1801-1848.--v. 3. Seekers after freedom, 1849-1870.--v. 4. Seekers after wealth, 1871-1890.--v. 5. Natives and aliens, 1891-1903.--v. 6. The new immigrants, 1904-1913.--v. 7. Hyphenated Americans, 1914-1924.--v. 8. Children of the melting pot, 1925-1938.--v. 9. Refugees and victims, 1939-1954.--v. 10. Emergent minorities, 1955-1970.



Minorities--United States.

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