Woodroffe, John George, -1914.
Principles of tantra = The Tantra-tattva of Śrīyukta Śiva Candra Vidyārṇava Bhattacārya Mahodaya, part. 1 / [edited by] Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon). - Madras : Ganesh, 1999. - 2 v. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Translation of the Tantratattva from the Bengáli by J. Majumdar. Includes an introd. by B.K. Majumdar entitled: Vaidik and tantrik systems of spiritual culture compared.
Tantras--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
BL1245.T3 / B5213 1978
294.5514 / WOP
Principles of tantra = The Tantra-tattva of Śrīyukta Śiva Candra Vidyārṇava Bhattacārya Mahodaya, part. 1 / [edited by] Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon). - Madras : Ganesh, 1999. - 2 v. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Translation of the Tantratattva from the Bengáli by J. Majumdar. Includes an introd. by B.K. Majumdar entitled: Vaidik and tantrik systems of spiritual culture compared.
Tantras--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
BL1245.T3 / B5213 1978
294.5514 / WOP