Clements, Frederick William, 1904-
Report of an international seminar on education in health and nutrition, Baguio, Philippines, 13 October-3 November 1955, sponsored jointly by FAO and WHO. - Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1956. - vii, 91 p. : 23 cm. - FAO nutrition meetings report series, no. 13 . - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAO nutrition meetings report series ; no. 13. .
Health education.
S401 / .F63 no. 13
574.192 / CLR
Report of an international seminar on education in health and nutrition, Baguio, Philippines, 13 October-3 November 1955, sponsored jointly by FAO and WHO. - Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1956. - vii, 91 p. : 23 cm. - FAO nutrition meetings report series, no. 13 . - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAO nutrition meetings report series ; no. 13. .
Health education.
S401 / .F63 no. 13
574.192 / CLR