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Horstmeyer, Steven L.

The weather almanac : a reference guide to weather, climate, and related issues in the United States and its key cities / [electronic resource] Steven L. Horstmeyer. - 12th ed. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. - 1 online resource (1 volume) : illustrations, maps

Frontmatter -- Climate Maps of the United States -- Renewable Energy -- Extreme Weather--Disasters, Records, Floods, Heat, Cold, and Blizzards -- Thunderstorms, Lightning, Hail, and Tornadoes -- Tropical Cyclones -- El Nįo, La Nįa, and the Southern Oscillation -- Global Warming and Climate Change -- Air Pollution -- Climate Data from Around the World -- Local Climatological Data Annual Summaries 2009 -- A Time Line of Meteorology: 9000-2000 -- General Index -- Index of Acronyms and Abbreviations -- Index of Persons -- Index of Select Storms and Events.

The Weather Almanac, 12th Edition is a resource for a variety of climate and meteorological data including both domestic and international weather trends, historical weather patterns dating back 1000 years, natural disasters, and a 20 page glossary of weather terminology. The book is complete with detailed maps, pictures, and tables compiling climate data from a variety of sources, including the National Weather Service and the US Geological Survey. Separate sections in The Weather Almanac are devoted to tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and lightening, flash floods, and winter storms, and they have been edited from official reports by governmental agencies. The new edition has been updated to include recent disasters such as the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that devastated Indonesia as well as 2005's Hurricane Katrina. These chapters serve as a basic reference for severe weather and extreme conditions, which can assist in preparing for a weather emergency.

9781118015216 1118015215

10.1002/9781118015216 Wiley InterScience

Weather forecasting.
Weather forecasting.

United States--Climate.
United States--Climate--History.
United States.

Electronic books.

QC995 / .H67 2011

Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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