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Grima Cintas, Pedro.

Industrial statistics with Minitab / [electronic resource] Pere Grima Cintas, Lluis Marco-Almagro, Xavier Tort-Martorell Llabres. - Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley, 2012. - 1 online resource.

Includes index.

"Industrial Statistics with MINITAB demonstrates the use of MINITAB as a tool for performing statistical analysis in an industrial context. This book covers introductory industrial statistics, exploring the most commonly used techniques alongside those that serve to give an overview of more complex issues. A plethora of examples in MINITAB are featured along with case studies for each of the statistical techniques presented."--

9781118383780 1118383788 9781118383797 1118383796 9781118383803 111838380X 9781118383773 111838377X 0470972750 9780470972755 9781283645096 1283645092

10.1002/9781118383773 Wiley InterScience



Industrial statistics.
Industrial management--Statistical methods--Computer programs.
Statistics--Computer programs.
Industrial statistics.
Industrial management--Statistical methods--Computer programs.
Statistics--Computer programs.
COMPUTERS--Mathematical & Statistical Software.
Industrial management--Statistical methods--Computer programs.
Industrial statistics.
Statistics--Computer programs.
Industrial statistics.
Industrial management / Statistical methods / Computer programs.
Statistics / Computer programs.

Electronic books.
Electronic books.


Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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