A companion to Pedro Almodóvar / [electronic resource]
edited by Marvin D'Lugo and Kathleen M. Vernon.
- Malden, MA : John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
- 1 online resource (xvi, 568 pages) : illustrations.
- Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors .
- Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: the skin he lives in / Bio-Filmography: Almodóvar's self-fashioning: the economics and aesthetics of deconstructive biography / Creative beginnings in Almodóvar's work / Almodóvar and Hitchcock: a sorcerer's apprenticeship / A life, imagined and otherwise: the limits and uses of autobiography in Almodóvar's films / Spanish Contexts: El Deseo's "Itinerary:: Almodóvar and the Spanish film industry / Almodóvar and Spanish patterns of film reception / Memory, politics and the post-transition in Almodóvar's cinema / The ethics of oblivion: personal, national, and cultural memories in the films of Pedro Almodóvar / At the Limits of Gender: Our rapists ourselves: women and the staging of rape in the cinema of Pedro Almodóvar / 10. Paternity and pathogens: mourning men and the crises of masculinity in Todo sobre mi madre and Hable con ella / Domesticating violence in the films of Pedro Almodóvar / La piel que habito: a story of imposed gender and the struggle for identity / Re-Readings: Re-envoicements and reverberations in Almodóvar's macro-melodrama / The flower of his secret: Carne trémula and the Mise en scene of Desire / Scratching the past on the "surface" of the "skin": embodied inter-subjectivity, prosthetic memory, and witnessing in Almodóvar's La mala educación / Almodóvar's stolen images / Global Almodóvar: Women on the verge of nervous breakdown: from Madrid (1988) to New York (2010) / Almodóvar's global musical marketplace / Almodóvar and Latin America: The making of a transnational aesthetic in Volver / Is there a French Almodóvar? / Almodóvar in Asia: Hong Kong, Taiwan and LGBT film culture / Art and Commerce: To the health of the author: art direction in Los abrazos rotos / Making Spain fashionable: fashion and design in Pedro Almodóvar's cinema / Almodóvar, cyberfandom and participatory culture / Marvin D'Lugo and Kathleen M. Vernon -- Paul Julian Smith; Francisco A. Zurián; Dona Kercher; Alberto Mira -- Marina Diaz López; Josetxo Cerdán and Miguel Fernandez Lagayen; Juan Carol Ibáñez; Adrissn Pérez Melgosa -- Leora Lev; Dean Albritton; Noelia Saenz; Francisco A. Zurián -- Marsha Kinder; Celestino Deleyto; Julian Daniel Gutiérrez-Albila; Javier Herrera -- Isolina Ballesteros; Kathleen M. Vernon; Marvin D'lugo; Jean-Claude Seguin; E.K. Tan -- John D. Sanderson; Gerard Dapena; Vicente Rodriguez-Ortega. Part I. 1. 2. 3. 4. Part II. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part II. 9. 11. 12. Part IV. 13. 14. 15. 16. Part V. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Part VI. 22. 23. 24.
Annotation Edited by leading authorities on the subject, and bringing together a stellar cast of contributors, this detailed appraisal of Pedro Almodovar's unique cinematic art examines the themes, style, and aesthetics of his oeuvre and locates it in the context of the profound cultural transformations in Spain since the 1970s.
9781118325391 1118325397 9781118325360 1118325362
Almodóvar, Pedro--Criticism and interpretation.
Almodóvar, Pedro.
Almodóvar, Pedro.
PERFORMING ARTS--Film & Video--Direction & Production.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Electronic books.
PN1998.3.A46 / C585 2013eb
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: the skin he lives in / Bio-Filmography: Almodóvar's self-fashioning: the economics and aesthetics of deconstructive biography / Creative beginnings in Almodóvar's work / Almodóvar and Hitchcock: a sorcerer's apprenticeship / A life, imagined and otherwise: the limits and uses of autobiography in Almodóvar's films / Spanish Contexts: El Deseo's "Itinerary:: Almodóvar and the Spanish film industry / Almodóvar and Spanish patterns of film reception / Memory, politics and the post-transition in Almodóvar's cinema / The ethics of oblivion: personal, national, and cultural memories in the films of Pedro Almodóvar / At the Limits of Gender: Our rapists ourselves: women and the staging of rape in the cinema of Pedro Almodóvar / 10. Paternity and pathogens: mourning men and the crises of masculinity in Todo sobre mi madre and Hable con ella / Domesticating violence in the films of Pedro Almodóvar / La piel que habito: a story of imposed gender and the struggle for identity / Re-Readings: Re-envoicements and reverberations in Almodóvar's macro-melodrama / The flower of his secret: Carne trémula and the Mise en scene of Desire / Scratching the past on the "surface" of the "skin": embodied inter-subjectivity, prosthetic memory, and witnessing in Almodóvar's La mala educación / Almodóvar's stolen images / Global Almodóvar: Women on the verge of nervous breakdown: from Madrid (1988) to New York (2010) / Almodóvar's global musical marketplace / Almodóvar and Latin America: The making of a transnational aesthetic in Volver / Is there a French Almodóvar? / Almodóvar in Asia: Hong Kong, Taiwan and LGBT film culture / Art and Commerce: To the health of the author: art direction in Los abrazos rotos / Making Spain fashionable: fashion and design in Pedro Almodóvar's cinema / Almodóvar, cyberfandom and participatory culture / Marvin D'Lugo and Kathleen M. Vernon -- Paul Julian Smith; Francisco A. Zurián; Dona Kercher; Alberto Mira -- Marina Diaz López; Josetxo Cerdán and Miguel Fernandez Lagayen; Juan Carol Ibáñez; Adrissn Pérez Melgosa -- Leora Lev; Dean Albritton; Noelia Saenz; Francisco A. Zurián -- Marsha Kinder; Celestino Deleyto; Julian Daniel Gutiérrez-Albila; Javier Herrera -- Isolina Ballesteros; Kathleen M. Vernon; Marvin D'lugo; Jean-Claude Seguin; E.K. Tan -- John D. Sanderson; Gerard Dapena; Vicente Rodriguez-Ortega. Part I. 1. 2. 3. 4. Part II. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part II. 9. 11. 12. Part IV. 13. 14. 15. 16. Part V. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Part VI. 22. 23. 24.
Annotation Edited by leading authorities on the subject, and bringing together a stellar cast of contributors, this detailed appraisal of Pedro Almodovar's unique cinematic art examines the themes, style, and aesthetics of his oeuvre and locates it in the context of the profound cultural transformations in Spain since the 1970s.
9781118325391 1118325397 9781118325360 1118325362
Almodóvar, Pedro--Criticism and interpretation.
Almodóvar, Pedro.
Almodóvar, Pedro.
PERFORMING ARTS--Film & Video--Direction & Production.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Electronic books.
PN1998.3.A46 / C585 2013eb