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Wu, Jong-Shyong.

Analytical and numerical methods for vibration analyses / [electronic resource] Jong-Shyong Wu. - 1 online resource.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Title Page; Copyright; About the Author; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction to Structural Vibrations; 1.1 Terminology; 1.2 Types of Vibration; 1.3 Objectives of Vibration Analyses; 1.4 Global and Local Vibrations; 1.5 Theoretical Approaches to Structural Vibrations; References; Chapter 2: Analytical Solutions for Uniform Continuous Systems; 2.1 Methods for Obtaining Equations of Motion of a Vibrating System; 2.2 Vibration of a Stretched String; 2.3 Longitudinal Vibration of a Continuous Rod; 2.4 Torsional Vibration of a Continuous Shaft 2.5 Flexural Vibration of a Continuous Euler-Bernoulli Beam2.6 Vibration of Axial-Loaded Uniform Euler-Bernoulli Beam; 2.7 Vibration of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam on the Elastic Foundation; 2.8 Vibration of an Axial-Loaded Euler Beam on the Elastic Foundation; 2.9 Flexural Vibration of a Continuous Timoshenko Beam; 2.10 Vibrations of a Shear Beam and a Rotary Beam; 2.11 Vibration of an Axial-Loaded Timoshenko Beam; 2.12 Vibration of a Timoshenko Beam on the Elastic Foundation; 2.13 Vibration of an Axial-Loaded Timoshenko Beam on the Elastic Foundation; 2.14 Vibration of Membranes 2.15 Vibration of Flat PlatesReferences; Chapter 3: Analytical Solutions for Non-Uniform Continuous Systems: Tapered Beams; 3.1 Longitudinal Vibration of a Conical Rod; 3.2 Torsional Vibration of a Conical Shaft; 3.3 Displacement Function for Free Bending Vibration of a Tapered Beam; 3.4 Bending Vibration of a Single-Tapered Beam; 3.5 Bending Vibration of a Double-Tapered Beam; 3.6 Bending Vibration of a Nonlinearly Tapered Beam; References; Chapter 4: Transfer Matrix Methods for Discrete and Continuous Systems; 4.1 Torsional Vibrations of Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Systems 4.2 Lumped-Mass Model Transfer Matrix Method for Flexural Vibrations4.3 Continuous-Mass Model Transfer Matrix Method for Flexural Vibrations; 4.4 Flexural Vibrations of Beams with In-Span Rigid (Pinned) Supports; References; Chapter 5: Eigenproblem and Jacobi Method; 5.1 Eigenproblem; 5.2 Natural Frequencies, Natural Mode Shapes and Unit-Amplitude Mode Shapes; 5.3 Determination of Normal Mode Shapes; 5.4 Solution of Standard Eigenproblem with Standard Jacobi Method; 5.5 Solution of Generalized Eigenproblem with Generalized Jacobi Method 5.6 Solution of Semi-Definite System with Generalized Jacobi Method5.7 Solution of Damped Eigenproblem; References; Chapter 6: Vibration Analysis by Finite Element Method; 6.1 Equation of Motion and Property Matrices; 6.2 Longitudinal (Axial) Vibration of a Rod; 6.4 Flexural Vibration of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam; 6.5 Shape Functions for a Three-Dimensional Timoshenko Beam Element; 6.6 Property Matrices of a Three-Dimensional Timoshenko Beam Element; 6.7 Transformation Matrix for a Two-Dimensional Beam Element; 6.8 Transformations of Element Stiffness Matrix and Mass Matrix

"This book illustrates theories and associated mathematical expressions with numerical examples using various methods, leading to exact solutions, more accurate results, and more computationally efficient techniques. It presents the derivations of the equations of motion for all structure foundations using either the continuous model or the discrete model. It discusses applications for students taking courses including vibration mechanics, dynamics of structures, and finite element analyses of structures, the transfer matrix method, and Jacobi method"-- "A book to introduce the theories or methods presented in some of the author's publications appearing in the international journals"--

9781119137207 1119137209 111863215X 9781118632154

EB00064002 Recorded Books


016453808 Uk

Vibration--Mathematical models.
Structural analysis (Engineering)--Mathematical models.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING--Engineering (General)
Structural analysis (Engineering)--Mathematical models.
Vibration--Mathematical models.

Electronic books.


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