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35 seasons of U.S. Antarctic meteorites (1976-2010) : a pictorial guide to the collection / [electronic resource] Thirty-five seasons of United States Antarctic meteorites (1976-2010) Kevin Righter, Catherine Corrigan, Ralph Harvey, Tim McCoy, editors. - 1 online resource. - Special publications ; 68 . - Special publication (American Geophysical Union) ; 68. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The origin and early history of the United States search for Antarctic meteorites (ANSMET) -- Fieldwork methods of the US Antarctic search for meteorites program -- Curation and allocation of samples in the US Antarctic meteorite collection -- Pictorial guide to selected meteorites -- Primitive asteroids : expanding the range of known primitive materials -- Achondrites and irons : products of magmatism on strongly heated asteroids -- ANSMET meteorites from the moon -- Meteorites from mars, via antarctica -- Meteorite misfits : fuzzy clues to solar system processes -- Cosmogenic nuclides in antarctic meteorites -- A statistical look at the US Antarctic meteorite collection.

9781118798461 (ePub) 1118798465 (ePub) 9781118798386 (Adobe PDF) 1118798384 (Adobe PDF)

02B4C202-AB6F-4751-B742-E4D16DC1128A OverDrive, Inc.


Meteorites--Catalogs and collections.
Meteorites--United States.
SCIENCE / Astronomy

United States.

Catalogs and collections.
Electronic books.
Electronic books.


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