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Biofouling methods / [electronic resource] edited by Sergey Dobretsov, Jeremy C. Thomason, David N. Williams. - First edition. - 1 online resource.

Includes index.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

""Title page""; ""Copyright page""; ""List of contributors""; ""Introduction""; ""Guide to methods""; ""Part I: Methods for Microfouling""; ""1 Microscopy of biofilms""; ""Section 1: Traditional light and epifluorescent microscopy""; ""1.1 Introduction""; ""1.2 Determination of bacterial abundance""; ""1.3 Catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescent in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH)""; ""1.4 Suggestions, with examples, for data analysis and presentation""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""References""; ""Section 2: Confocal laser scanning microscopy""; ""1.5 Introduction"" ""1.6 Materials, equipment, and method""""1.7 Image acquisition""; ""1.8 Presentation""; ""1.9 Troubleshooting hints and tips""; ""1.10 Notes""; ""References""; ""Section 3: Electron microscopy""; ""1.11 Introduction""; ""1.12 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)""; ""1.13 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)""; ""References""; ""2 Traditional and bulk methods for biofilms""; ""Section 1: Traditional microbiological methods""; ""2.1 Introduction""; ""2.2 Enrichment culture, isolation of microbes""; ""2.3 Counting methods""; ""2.4 Troubleshooting hints and tips""; ""References"" ""Section 2: Bulk methods""""2.5 Introduction""; ""2.6 Measurement of biofilm thickness""; ""2.7 Biofilm dry weight determination""; ""2.8 Biofilm ATP content""; ""2.9 Troubleshooting hints and tips""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""References""; ""3 Biocide testing against microbes""; ""Section 1: Testing biocides in solution""; ""3.1 Introduction""; ""3.2 Method introductions""; ""3.3 Pros and cons""; ""3.4 Materials and equipment""; ""3.5 Methods""; ""3.6 Troubleshooting hints and tips""; ""3.7 Suggestions""; ""References""; ""Section 2: Biocide testing using single and multispecies biofilms"" ""3.8 Introduction""""3.9 Questions to answer when applying biocides""; ""3.10 Laboratory methods for testing biocide effect""; ""3.11 Field methods for testing biocide effect""; ""3.12 Troubleshooting hints and tips""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""References""; ""4 Molecular methods for biofilms""; ""Section 1: Isolation of nucleic acids""; ""4.1 Introduction""; ""4.2 Materials""; ""4.3 Isolation of DNA from a biofilm""; ""4.4 Troubleshooting hints and tips""; ""References""; ""Section 2: PCR and DNA sequencing""; ""4.5 PCR and DNA sequencing: General introduction""; ""4.6 PCR"" ""4.7 Microbial marker genes â€" 16S""""4.8 DNA sequencing""; ""4.9 454 16S amplicon pyrotag sequencing""; ""4.10 Protocol 1: DNA extraction using the Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit""; ""4.11 Protocol 2: Full-length 16S PCR using the Qiagen Multiplex Kit""; ""4.12 Protocol 3: Analysis of full-length 16S genes""; ""4.13 Protocol 4: 16S amplicon PCR for 454 sequencing using the Qiagen Multiplex Kit""; ""4.14 Protocol 5: Trimming and filtering of 454 16S pyrotag sequencing""; ""4.15 Protocol 6: Taxon-based analyses""; ""4.16 Protocol 7: Phylogeny-based analyses""; ""References""

Biofouling Methods provides a "cook book" forboth established workers and those new to the field. The methodsincluded in this important new book range from tried and testedtechniques to those at the cutting edge, encompassing the fulldiversity of this multidisciplinary field. The book covers methods for microbial and macrofouling, coatingsand biocides, and ranges from methods for fundamental studies tomethods relevant for industrial applications. There is an emphasison answering questions and each chapter provides technical methodsand problem-solving hints and tips. Bringing together a wealth of international contributions andedited by three internationally known and respected experts in thesubject Biofouling Methods is the essential methodologyreference in the field for all those working in the antifoulingindustry including those involved in formulation of antifoulingproducts such as paints and other coatings. Aquatic biologists, ecologists, environmental scientists and lawyers, marine engineers, aquaculture personnel, chemists, and medical researchers will allfind much of interest within this book. All universities andresearch establishments where these subjects are studied and taughtshould have copies of this important work on their shelves.

9781118336113 1118336119 9781118336137 1118336135 9781118336144 1118336143 1322008426 9781322008424 0470659858 9780470659854

EB00595503 Recorded Books

632093 MIL


016890425 Uk

Fouling organisms.
Fouling organisms.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING--Environmental--General.
Fouling organisms.

Electronic books.



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Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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