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Introduction to chemicals from biomass / [electronic resource] Chemicals from biomass edited by James Clark, Fabien Deswarte. - Second edition. - 1 online resource. - Wiley series in renewable resources . - Wiley series in renewable resources. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Wiley Series in Renewable Resources; Title page; Copyright page; List of Contributors; Series page; Preface; 1 The Biorefinery Concept; 1.1 Sustainability for the Twenty-First Century; 1.2 Renewable Resources: Nature and Availability; 1.3 The Challenge of Waste; 1.4 Green Chemistry; 1.5 The Biorefinery Concept; 1.6 Conclusions; 1.7 Acknowledgement; References; 2 Biomass as a Feedstock; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Lignocellulosic Biomass; 2.3 Food Supply Chain Waste; 2.4 Mango Waste: A Case Study; 2.5 Concluding Remarks; References 3 Pretreatment and Thermochemical and Biological Processing of Biomass3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Biomass Pretreatments; 3.3 Thermochemical Processing of Biomass; 3.4 Biological Processing; 3.5 Summary; References; 4 Platform Molecules; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Fossil-Derived Base Chemicals; 4.3 Definition of a Platform Molecule; 4.4 Where Platform Molecules Come From; 4.5 Process Technologies: Biomass to Platform Molecules; 4.6 Bio-Derived v. Fossil-Derived: Changing Downstream Chemistry; 4.7 List of Platform Molecules; 4.8 Example Platform Molecules; 4.9 Conclusion; References 5 Monomers and Resulting Polymers from Biomass5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Polymers from Vegetable Oils; 5.3 Furan Chemistry; 5.4 Terpenes; 5.5 Rosin; 5.6 The Potential of Tannins; 5.7 Alpha-Hydroxy Acids; 5.8 Conclusion; References; 6 Bio-Based Materials; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Wood and Natural Fibres; 6.3 Isolated and Modified Biopolymers as Biomaterials; 6.4 Agromaterials, Blends and Composites; 6.5 Conclusion; References; 7 Biomass-Based Energy Production; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Physical Upgrading Processes; 7.3 Microbiological Processes; 7.4 Thermochemical Processes; 7.5 Chemical Processes 7.6 Primary Alcohols7.7 Conclusions; References; 8 Policies and Strategies for Delivering a Sustainable Bioeconomy: A European Perspective; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Drivers for Change; 8.3 The Starting Point: Strategies for Change; 8.4 Direct Measures; 8.5 Supporting Measures; 8.6 Bioeconomy Definitions; 8.7 Life-Cycle Analysis; 8.8 Ecolabels; 8.9 Concluding Remarks; References; Index; End User License Agreement

9781118714454 (ePub) 1118714458 (ePub) 9781118714461 (Adobe PDF) 1118714466 (Adobe PDF)


GBB506830 bnb

017011699 Uk

Biomass chemicals.
Organic compounds.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Chemical & Biochemical
Biomass chemicals.
Organic compounds.
Biomass chemicals.

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Electronic books.


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