The handbook of Korean linguistics / [electronic resource]
edited by Lucien Brown, Jaehoon Yeon.
- First edition.
- 1 online resource.
- Blackwell handbooks in linguistics .
- Blackwell handbooks in linguistics. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Editors' Note; Note on Transcriptions; Part I The Sounds of Korean; Chapter 1 Vowels and Consonants; 1 Introduction; 2 Phoneme inventory; 3 Phonetic characteristics; 4 Frequency of Korean sounds; 5 Summary; Notes; References; Chapter 2 Syllable-Based Phonological Processes; 1 Introduction; 2 The syllable in Korean; 3 Syllable-based phonological processes; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 3 Prosody; 1 Introduction; 2 Word level prosody and rhythm; 3 Prosodic hierarchy in Seoul Korean; 4 Speech timing of Korean; 5 Summary. NotesReferences; Further Reading; Part II Topics in Korean Morphology and Syntax; Chapter 4 Word Formation; 1 Introduction; 2 Some basic concepts; 3 Three types of Korean word formation; 4 Remaining issues; 5 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 5 Double Nominative and Double Accusative Constructions; 1 Introduction; 2 Double Nominative Constructions; 3 Double Accusative Constructions; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 6 Causatives; 1 Introduction; 2 Causatives: structure and type; 3 Theoretical issues; 4 Korean causatives in cross-linguistic context; 5 Concluding remarks; Notes. 3 Agentivity of experiencer in psych predicate alternations4 Scalarity in locative alternation; 5 "Semantic" causative alternations; 6 Concluding remarks; Notes; References; Chapter 10 Focus, Topic, and Contrast; 1 Introduction; 2 Focus; 3 Topic; 4 Contrast; 5 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 11 Case Particle Ellipsis; 1 Introduction; 2 Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic factors in the use of case particle ellipsis; 3 Markedness and case particle ellipsis; 4 Information structural account (Kwon and Zribi-Hertz 2008); 5 Probability/frequency and case particle ellipsis; 6 Conclusion; Notes.
"The Handbook of Korean Linguistics presents state-of-the-art overviews of linguistic research into the Korean language"--
9781118370933 1118370937
Korean language--Research--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Linguistics--General.
Korean language--Research.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Southeast Asian Languages
Electronic books.
Handbooks and manuals.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Editors' Note; Note on Transcriptions; Part I The Sounds of Korean; Chapter 1 Vowels and Consonants; 1 Introduction; 2 Phoneme inventory; 3 Phonetic characteristics; 4 Frequency of Korean sounds; 5 Summary; Notes; References; Chapter 2 Syllable-Based Phonological Processes; 1 Introduction; 2 The syllable in Korean; 3 Syllable-based phonological processes; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 3 Prosody; 1 Introduction; 2 Word level prosody and rhythm; 3 Prosodic hierarchy in Seoul Korean; 4 Speech timing of Korean; 5 Summary. NotesReferences; Further Reading; Part II Topics in Korean Morphology and Syntax; Chapter 4 Word Formation; 1 Introduction; 2 Some basic concepts; 3 Three types of Korean word formation; 4 Remaining issues; 5 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 5 Double Nominative and Double Accusative Constructions; 1 Introduction; 2 Double Nominative Constructions; 3 Double Accusative Constructions; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 6 Causatives; 1 Introduction; 2 Causatives: structure and type; 3 Theoretical issues; 4 Korean causatives in cross-linguistic context; 5 Concluding remarks; Notes. 3 Agentivity of experiencer in psych predicate alternations4 Scalarity in locative alternation; 5 "Semantic" causative alternations; 6 Concluding remarks; Notes; References; Chapter 10 Focus, Topic, and Contrast; 1 Introduction; 2 Focus; 3 Topic; 4 Contrast; 5 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 11 Case Particle Ellipsis; 1 Introduction; 2 Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic factors in the use of case particle ellipsis; 3 Markedness and case particle ellipsis; 4 Information structural account (Kwon and Zribi-Hertz 2008); 5 Probability/frequency and case particle ellipsis; 6 Conclusion; Notes.
"The Handbook of Korean Linguistics presents state-of-the-art overviews of linguistic research into the Korean language"--
9781118370933 1118370937
Korean language--Research--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Linguistics--General.
Korean language--Research.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Southeast Asian Languages
Electronic books.
Handbooks and manuals.