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Wiley-Blackwell student dictionary of human evolution / [electronic resource] Edited by Bernard Wood, Executive Editor, Amanda Henry, Editorial Assistant, Kevin Hatala. - 1 online resource.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface and Acknowledgments; Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution; Hominin Fossil Abbreviations; A; a; abductor; abiotic; absolute dating; acceleration; accessory cusp; accretion model; Aché; Acheulean; Acheulian; actualistic studies; adaptation; adaptive radiation; adaptive strategy; adductor; aDNA; adolescence; aeolian; Afar Rift System; aff.; affinity; Afro-European hypothesis; age estimate; agenesis; Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna; Ain Hanech; A.L. 288-1; A.L. 444-2a-h; A.L. 666-1; ALA-VP-2/10; albumin; Alcelaphini; allele; Allen's Rule Allometryallopatric speciation; allopatry; alluvial; alpha taxonomy; altricial; Alu repeat elements; alveolar process; alveolus; ameloblast; amelogenesis; amino acid; amino acid racemization; amino acid racemization dating; AMS radiocarbon dating; Amud; anagenesis; analogous; analogue; analysis of covariance; analysis of variance; anatomical position; anatomical terminology; ancient DNA; Andresen lines; Anglian; anisotropy; ANOVA; antelope; anterior teeth; anthropogenic bone modification; anthropoid; antibody; anticline; anticodon; antigen; Antilopini; antimere; anvil; apatite; ape Apical tuftapomorphic; appendicular skeleton; appositional enamel; appositional growth; approximal wear; aptation; Arago; aragonite; Aramis; 40Ar/39Ar; ARA-VP-6/1; ARA-VP-6/500; ARA-VP-7/2; arboreal; arboreality; Arcy-sur-Cure; Ardipithecus White et al., 1995; Ardipithecus kadabba Haile-Selassie, 2001; Ardipithecus ramidus (White et al., 1994) White et al., 1995; argon-argon dating; armature; art; artifact; Artiodactyla; Asa Issie; ascertainment bias; As Duma; assemblage; assimilation model; associated skeleton; astronomical theory; astronomical time scale; Atapuerca; atavism; ATD6-1-12 ATE9-1Aterian; attrition; auditory ossicles; auditory tube; Aurignacian; Australasian strewn-field tektites; australopith; australopithecine; Australopithecus Dart, 1925; Australopithecus aethiopicus (Arambourg and Coppens, 1968); Australopithecus afarensis Johanson, 1978; Australopithecus africanus Dart, 1925; Australopithecus anamensis Leakey et al., 1995; Australopithecus bahrelghazali Brunet et al., 1996; Australopithecus boisei (Leakey, 1959); Australopithecus garhi Asfaw et al., 1999; Australopithecus ramidus White et al., 1994; Australopithecus sediba Berger et al., 2010; autapomorphy Autecology available; Awash River Basin; awl; axial digit; axial skeleton; axis; B; baboon; Ba/Ca ratios; backed; Bahr el Ghazal; balanced polymorphism; balancing selection; balancing side; Bapang Formation; BAR; BAR 1000′00; bare area; barium/calcium ratios; Barnfield Pit; basalt; base; base pair; basicranium; basin; bauplan; Bayesian methods; BBC; BC; bed; bedrock; Beeches Pit; behavioral ecology; Belohdelie; BEL-VP; BEL-VP-1/1; bending energy; benthic; bent-hip bent-knee walking; Berg Aukas; Bergmann's Rule; beta taxonomy; Biache Saint-Vaast; bias; biface; Bilzingsleben; bimaturism

Once upon a time, say 50 years ago, the only background you needed in order to appreciate what was known about human evolution was a familiarity with a relatively sparse hominid fossil record, what limited information there was about the context of the sites, some knowledge of gross anatomy and simple analytical methods, and an appreciation of general evolutionary principles. Times have changed. The fossil record has grown exponentially, imaging techniques have advanced dramatically, quantitative methods have burgeoned, molecular biology has revolutionized our understanding of genetics, evolution.

9781118335741 1118335740 9781118335758 1118335759

Human evolution.
NATURE / Animals / Mammals
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Zoology / Mammals
Anthropology, Physical -- Dictionary -- English.
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