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The Wiley Blackwell companion to political geography / [electronic resource] edited by John Agnew, Virginie Mamadouh, Anna J. Secor, and Joanne Shape. - Second edition. - 1 online resource. - Wiley Blackwell companions to geography . - Wiley-Blackwell companions to geography. .

Originally published as: A companion to political geography.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Boundaries and borders / Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary -- Scale / Andrew E.G. Jonas -- Territory / Cristina Del Biaggio -- Sovreignty / Joshua E. Barkan -- The state / Alex Jeffrey -- Federalism and multilevel governance / Herman van der Wusten -- Geographies of conflict / Clionadh Raleigh -- Security / Lauren Martin -- Violence / James Tyner -- Justice / Farhana Sultana -- Power / Joe Painter -- Citizenship / Patricia Ehrkamp and Malene H. Jacobsen -- The imperative of biopolitics / Claudio Minca -- Spatial analysis / Andrew M. Linke and John O'Loughlin -- Radical political geographies / Simon Springer -- Geopolitics/critical geopolitics -- Sami Moisio -- Feminist political geographies / Jennifer L. Fluri -- Post( -- )colonialism -- Chih Yuan Woon -- Children's political geographies / Kirsi Pauliina Kallio and Jouni Hakli -- Electoral geography in the 21st century / Michael Shin -- Nation and nationalism / Marco Antonsich -- Regional institutions / Merje Kuus -- Banality of empire / Luca Muscar -- Social movements / Sara Koopman -- Religious movements / Tristan Sturm -- Sexual politics / Catherine J. Nash and Kath Browne -- The rise of the BRICS / Marcus Power -- Social media / Paul C. Adams -- More-than-representational political geographies / Martin Müller -- Resources / Kathryn Furlong and Emma S. Norman -- Political ecologies of the state / Katie Meehan and Olivia C. Molden -- Environment from determinism to the anthropocene / Simon Dalby -- Financial crises / Brett Christophers -- Migration / Michael Samers -- Everyday political geographies / Sara Fregonese -- Academic capitalism and the geopolitics of knowledge / Anssi Paasi.

9781118725832 1118725832 9781118725870 1118725875 9781118725771 1118725778 1119107652 9781119107651 1118725883 9781118725887

12576378 10.1002/9781118725771 doi


Political geography.
POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--General.
POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--National.
Political geography.
Politieke geografie.

Electronic books.
Handboeken (vorm)


Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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