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Political theory without borders / [electronic resource] edited by Robert E. Goodin and James S. Fishkin. - 1 online resource.

Includes index.

Political theory without borders : an introduction / Robert E. Goodin and James S. Fishkin -- To prevent a world wasteland / George F. Kennan -- Two kinds of climate justice : avoiding harm and sharing burdens / Simon Caney -- The human right to water and common ownership of the earth / Mathias Risse -- Tax competition and global background justice / Peter Dietsch and Thomas Rixen -- Sovereign debt, human rights and policy conditionality / Christian Barry -- Justice in the diffusion of innovation / Allen Buchanan, Tony Cole and Robert O. Keohane -- From migration in geographic space to migration in biographic time : views from europe / Claus Offe -- On citizenship, states and markets / Ayelet Shachar and Ran Hirschl -- Colonialism as structural injustice : historical responsibility and contemporary redress / Catherine Lu -- The judging of nations / Clifford Geertz -- From humanitarian intervention to the responsibility to protect / Gareth Evans -- The misuse of power, not bad representation : why it is beside the point that no one elected Oxfam / Jennifer C. Rubenstein.

9781119110101 (Adobe PDF) 1119110106 (Adobe PDF) 9781119110118 (ePub) 1119110114 (ePub) 9781119110132 1119110130 1119110084 (cloth) 9781119110088 (cloth)


Political science.
Globalization--Political aspects.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / General
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / National
Globalization--Political aspects.
Political science.
Internationale Politik.
Global Governance.
Politische Theorie.

Electronic books.
Electronic books.


Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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